Category Security

Endeavour OS UFW Firewall Configuration

endeavour os firewall ufw configuration

Right after I install Endeavour OS, I setup and configure the firewall. To install UFW (uncomplicated firewall), I issue: sudo pacman -S ufw Once installed, I start the firewall by opening the terminal and issuing:sudo systemctl start ufwsudo systemctl enable…

domainregistrationcorp spam

domainregistrationcorp spam filter

Until recently, I’ve received a steady stream of emails from domainregistrationcorp regarding the termination of a domain name I own. Specifically, they request immediate payment or my domain will be cancelled within 24 hours. Here is a copy of one…

Encryption Part 3 Passwords

encryption part 3 secure passwords

This post completes my mini series and focuses on passwords. Very long passwords and how to memorize them with ease The key to success is being organized and to plan. We all have many passwords to remember and I do…

Encryption Part 1 How to hack a computer

encryption part one how to hack a computer

This is the first of my three-part series which focuses on encryption and to get started, I will show you how to hack into your computer. To be clear, by “your computer” I mean your own computer. Once you know…