The Yamaha Genos is essential for my home recording studio. I’ve set up the Genos to not only provide all the sounds for my work but also as a secondary monitoring system.
How to use the Yamaha GNS-MS01 speakers as playback monitors
I use two workstations. One is/was a high-end laptop with a Steinberg UR22 mkii audio interface connected to a pair of Mackie monitors and the other one is a Dell Inspiron 5680 desktop computer. I do most of my audio work on the Dell workstation which connects to my Genos with the help of a Behringer U-Phoria UMC404HD.

Specifically, I use the audio output to connect to the Genos’s auxiliary input. The setup could not be easier. Right after I connected the cables, everything worked perfectly. Because of that, I use the Genos as instead of monitors and the sound quality is amazing considering that I didn’t have to spend extra money for studio monitors.
Yamaha Genos setup details
The Genos really comes to life when connected to a computer. This is easily done with the included USB cable. Simply plug the USB cable into one of the USB2 (or 3) outputs, install the drivers from Yamaha and the computer will automatically see the Genos. No MIDI cables needed.
Next are the audio interface connections. Just like the Genos, the audio interface also connects to the computer via a USB cable. Again, depending on the interface, drivers might have to be installed but in my case, the Behringer UMC404HD worked perfectly out of the box. Behringer has come a long way. I love that thing.
I didn’t have the proper cables so I visited Long & McQuade on my home and picked up four audio cables which had an XLR connection on one end and on the other a TSR “banana” plug.
Since my audio interface has four inputs, I am able to route the main mix to the left right output and the microphone to output 3.
This saves me a lot of time because I can record everything in one take and tweak the recording afterwards.

Here is the precise shopping list of all cables needed
- USB cable (included with the Genos)
- Two TRS audio cables
These connect the audio interface output to the Genos - Two or more XLR > TRS cables
These plug into the Genos’s audio outputs and into the audio interface
If you buy new cables then spend a bit of time drawing out your setup so that you get the ideal cable length. When in doubt, buy longer but just the right size is best and makes for a clean setup.
Yamaha Genos studio setup conclusion
Monitoring is essential in a home recording studio. If you have a genos, then you can get by with the right audio interface. Behringer included a special feature which can output the master signal to two monitors via an A/B switching option. If you happen to use that interface then connect the output of the audio interface to the Genos’s auxiliary input and keep an eye on the volume.

Besides the above mentioned setup, I also use AKG headphones because I often work late at night. It also doesn’t hurt to get a second opinion and not depend on the Genos’s GNS-MS01 speaker system without checking with headphones.
In closing I just want to state again how easy the hookup was. All I had to do was plug in a pair of TRS (tip ring sleve) audio cables to my audio interface A output and the Genos was ready to play back everything my computer outputs in form of an audio signal including YouTube videos.
The last thing I want to note is that the setup I describe here bypasses the volume button but this is not an issue for me because I use the Genos’s volume control on the keyboard.
Thank you Ernst for the detail and simplicity of your article. Your success using Genos with Reaper have given me courage to hook up my Tyros to an Acer laptop, edit the MIDI data in Reaper, and play it back using the Tyros as my sound source. I hope it works! Thank you so very much!
Dr. Steve Kuban
I have a Yamaha Genos which has v48 phantom power. Is it really necessary for me to get an audio interface in order to use a XLR Condenser mic with my keyboard? In the manual for my Genos, it just seems to suggest you plug a condenser mic direclty into the back of the keyboard, without having to go through anything else. I would really appreciate your advice on this please.
I use a condenser mic as well. There is a little switch right beside the XLR microphone plugin. To enable phantom power, just switch it to on.
As a side note, I never unplug the microphone while the Genos is on. I also turn the volume all the way to the left (off) if I turn on phantom power.
Hi Ernst, I want to recreate your installation. I have bought an audio interface and as i see in your diagram you have connected the two main outputs of Genos (Main R, Main L/L+R) to the Audio Interface (Mic/Line/Instr) using two XLR > TRS cables
(The 1 and 2 in the diagram)
Then you have plugged the main output of your audio interface which is located in the back, to the Genos “Aux In” R, L/L+R using two TRS audio cables.
In your diagram you have also connect two more cables from Genos to audio interface .
(The 3 and 4 in the diagram)
I suppose that those cables in Genos are in the SUB 1 and 2 outputs positions.
What is the purpose of this connection?
Hi Nikos,
My diagram is based on the U-Phoria UMC404HD 404 audio interface by Behringer. What makes that particular device special are the dual audio outputs. Output 3/4 are going to the Genos Aux inputs which lets me use the Genus sound system as “fancy” computer monitors.
I have written about it somewhere that I have detached the two satellite speakers from the instrument and placed them to the left and right of my computer monitor.
To make that happen, I just use longer cables and it works like a charm. I can control the computer audio via the audio interface volume knob which is very handy.
When recording the Genos, I just wear head phones if I need to.
To sum up. The Genus sound system is very nice and as good sounding as a pair of < $500 studio monitors. My Genos basically serves as a very expensive amplifier when I watch YouTube videos or a movie. Here is my blog article about detaching the speakers:
Since then, I have moved the Genos to the side but left the speakers on the computer desk.
Hi Ernst,
This is a very clever setup and it will make my workflow very easy now.
As for the 3 and 4 line connections in your diagram, as i mention before i have checked and found that from the Genos in menu “Line Out” i can assign the mic and any part i like to be output to the Sub 1 and 2. That make sense.
The clever thing is the output of the audio interface back to genos AUX IN in order to use the Genos speakers as monitor speakers.
Thanks for sharing with us and Merry Christmas!