Tag Yamaha Genos

Yamaha Genos Reaper MIDI Setup

yamaha genos reaper audio midi setup

How to record MIDI tracks from the YAMAHA Genos with Reaper. Reaper is the best DAW for audio recording studios on a budget. Let’s get started. The audio interface used for this setup is the Behringer Uphoria 400HD and for…

YAMAHA Genos Change Speaker Placement

yamaha genos satellite speaker placement

I just modified the Yamaha GNS-MS01 Speaker System for my Genos arranger keyboard. By design, YAMAHA attaches the satellite speakers to the keyboard but what if that doesn’t fit your setup? Well, I have good news. To change the two…

Yamaha Genos Home Recording Studio Setup

Yamaha Genos Home Recording Studio Setup

The Yamaha Genos is essential for my home recording studio. I’ve set up the Genos to not only provide all the sounds for my work but also as a secondary monitoring system. How to use the Yamaha GNS-MS01 speakers as…